Friday, January 21, 2011

Practical advice for securing yourself online

I know I usually don't post, which I am working to change. I can't cut paper into amazing invitations, I can't bake awesome treats, I can't make a bench look like a million bucks, but I can be a nerd and that's what I do.

Staying Safe online

Plug and Play Isn't enough

We bought a TV at Walmart last year and we plugged it in and were all set. There was no need to secure anything. No complicated algorithms for fun, just plug and play. Unfortunately, the same laws do not apply to setting up an internet connection at home. Most people when they want to setup wireless for all the tech toys, just plug it in and get it to work. However, this leaves them in such a dangerous position, because most wireless routers do not use any form of encryption or security. Anyone in the radius of the wireless signal can join and do significant damage. The tools to steal identities are not what Hollywood 'Hacker' tools are perceived about. Most 13 year old kids can download plug-ins for their web browsers to steal sensitive information...

If you let them.

A professor of mine in College always said that you don't have to have the most secure network on the block, just don't be the lowest hanging fruit. That's exactly the same principal when it comes to securing your wireless. As long as you have some form of wireless encryption set, most people will pass on by.

For details on securing your home wireless, please see either:

Don't talk to strangers

My mother always used to tell me not to talk to strangers, don't get into unmarked vans and Yada yada yada ya. I feel like everyone has had that chat. Unfortunately, I feel like when people connect to the internet, that whole rule goes out the window. So here are some little rules of thumb:
  1. Don't accept friend requests on Facebook [or any other social media site], unless you know the person. If your not sure, message the person, but wait to accept the request till you are sure.
  2. Don't ever tell anyone your password. No administrator or help desk representative needs it. EVER.
  3. If the site doesn't look right, it most likely isn't. Poor quality, no pictures, Spelling errors. Be on the lookout. If it looks like something's wrong, just turn and leave.
  4. Before you submit anything that has your address on it, credit card number, social security number, etc. ask yourself if really need to be giving the information away. The less information you give, the more secure you stay. Some sites, [Like Amazon] will need your credit card and address to charge you for a purchase and where to send something, but Facebook or does not need that information.
Generally think before you click and in the very post 9/11 way of thinking, if you see something say something. If something doesn't seem on the level, as someone if it looks legitimate. It's better to ask and find out things are ok, then to find out one day that your identity has been stole.

...Next time, I gotta do a more positive post....

positive post...positive post...

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