Friday, April 15, 2011


So, one of the crazy things about moving to an awesome place like Myrtle Beach, is that it's hard to worry about whether or not you're going to like it, and even harder to say that to other people. Keeping it bottled in, and faking that you aren't scared to death is actually pretty harmful.

So here it is: Myrtle Beach sounds like a great place. It has everything that we're looking for. It's warm, near the beach, family oriented. Cost of living is lower there, and there are just so many things to love. But the truth is, neither of us, have spent any time there. And that scares me. We went to Cape Cod this year, and the whole way, we were talking about how awesome that Cape Cod is, and how if we were offered a chance to work in Boston, we'd love to do it, and about how it seems so amazing. I've been to Boston before, and I knew what to expect. It turns out, that Boston hasn't changed at all. I have though. I'm looking for different things in the place that we live, love and learn in; and have been almost since we started dating.

The truth of the matter, is that logically, I'm sure we're going to love it. But I'm scared. He's scared. We're both scared. Unfortunately, in order to maintain consistency with my work, I've just done a vacation, so it feels like it's just a blip and I'll be back. It's hard to put together the pieces of the fact that we will no longer be living in the place we've made our home. We're choosing a new home - but in the meantime, I feel kind of ... homeless? 

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