Wednesday, November 3, 2010


I'm unsure whether winterproofing is an actual word, but I'm taking it and running with it! I firmly believe that Si and I live in a townhouse with the most drafts of all time (except perhaps that 18th century castle we initally looked at). That being said, I've made it my personal mission to "winterproof".

Some things that I've undertaken include:

Clear plastic sheeting on all the windows (you can buy them at Lowes or Home Depot), and they look very clear. I've had hours of amusement already watching the cat attempt to jump into the window behind the couch and being confronted with the plastic. NOTE: A good seal around the plastic is what this is all about. It acts like a double pane window.

Replacement of the weather stripping in the doors. I looked at our front door, and noticed that I could see light coming through the door frame, so I had maintenance replace it, under threat that I'd do it myself.

Small heater. We've turned down the heat, and move a small heater with us from room to room to save on energy costs. We're warmer than we would be with the heat on, because it's more direct, and it saves a bundle!

Thermal curtains. In addition to adding the clear sheeting to the windows, we've also made our own thermal curtains, by adding thermal material to the backs of our curtains now. It's extremely easy, and it lessens the amount of heat that you lose to the windows! (Post on how to, to come)

Let us know your best "winterproofing" tricks and tips!

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