Sunday, December 5, 2010

Jar Mixes

I've been accumulating items for our yearly Christmas baskets, and along with that, decided to acquire items that would allow me to make a bunch of soup in a jar mixes.

As I was browsing around, I found a few great sites with Soup in a Jar recipes, and it turns out that they're perfect for someone like my Nana, who is sometimes just looking for a quick and easy meal. I chose out recipes that I thought she'd like, and went to work.

First, pick out a recipe, and pick up the necessary ingredients (don't forget your mason jars - quart size are normally best). It doesn't end with soup, as you'll quickly see from these great sites.
Second, start by laying out all of your ingredients, and washing your mason jars. 

The rest is easy! Follow the instructions , add a fabric circle on top of each one as well as your instructional tag, and you should end up with a gift that looks adorable and useful, just like these!

*Tip: Make sure that you have attached the instructions for how to make the jar mix into something edible! I made some of these last year, and forgot the tag, and it was so embarrassing!

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