Monday, December 13, 2010

A Krispie Treat House

Si and I tried to create two gingerbread houses last year - one using graham crackers and sweets, and the other an actual gingerbread house kit, with all of the trimmings. I can say without a shadow of a doubt that we will never manage to create a gingerbread house that actually stands, but this year, we embarked on our quest anyways. We thought that perhaps we would use rice krispies this year. It started out well enough.

Everything seemed to stick together well enough. We tried to let it dry for a bit, while worked on "landscaping". Cotton candy snow, gummy trees, gummy snowmen and little gummy bears playing in the backyard. Then it came time for the roof. Can I recommend that if you are going to do this - you let the rice krispy treats get stale and hard? We started with a natural peak roof. Very exciting. We even used toothpicks to stabilize.

All of a sudden, I notice that Silas has eaten half of the snow from the yard. That's when he says "Honey, I think that's the least of our problems." Our roof is now flat. I don't know what possessed us, but I believe our next thought was, let's at least make the roof look good. So we pile on other items. Eventually, we end up with this:

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